Month: August 2014

Obligatory “Before You Go” Message, 2014 Edition

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Well folks, VMworld 2014 US is upon us. The tweets and –god forfend– private Facebook message groups are awash with anticipation for the week.

There have been a number of questions sent to the VMunderground, #vBrownBag and Opening Acts teams; we’ll try and address them in this post…


Q: Looks like Opening Acts is full. Is there any room?

A: Who knows? We won’t turn anyone away as long as we have room. While we have a huge space (we’re using the same venue for both Opening Acts and VMunderground), a significant portion is will be “off-limits” during Opening Acts to allow for the prep & setup for VMunderground. We set the registration limit at 200 to manage the seating, but the spaces we set aside might hold as much as 2x that number. Additionally, there’s bound to be turnover–a bunch of folks might need to high-tail it over to v0dgeball–so don’t be afraid to come for a 2pm or 3pm session even if we’re packed at 1pm.


Q: I missed round X for tickets to VMunderground. How do I get in?

A: As of this writing, there are still nearly 100 tickets available. Hop on over to and grab one. Keep in mind: if you have a conference badge, tickets are NOT required for entry! Tickets get you first access to the party when the doors open at 8pm, and are required for anyone without a conference badge (this is a VMworld community event, not a San Francisco community event).


Q: I have a ticket/wristband. Do I need to bring my conference badge?

A: Please do! This is a social event, and conference badges do a good job of helping people connect faces and names. Include your Twitter handle on your badge! Lots of people in the community are known by their Twitter handles rather than their IRL names; if your handle isn’t printed on your badge, find someone with a Sharpie or label maker and add it!


Q: Dude. That’s an insane amount of restrictions. What’s up with that?

A: In past years, limited space has made it…challenging…to keep an even, fair opportunity for everyone in the community to get access to the party. Every restriction listed is based on somebody in the community trying to take advantage of the then-stated-rules to get more that what we–the VMunderground team–consider to be a “fair share” of the tickets. Yes, it sucks to have so many rules, but there are some of those among us who consider themselves…”first among equals.” Let’s just leave it at that.


Q: I’m in like Flynn for the party. I love the sponsors and I already have a wristband (awesome, too, btw. I’m going to wear mine all week!). Do I need to bring anything else to the party?

A: Yes. Please, please, PLEASE bring a photo ID from a legitimate government to prove your age if you want to be served alcohol. California–like most of the US–requires anyone being served alcohol to be aged 21 years or more. By default, you should be that age as a participant in VMworld, but as they don’t check and the legal working age in the US is 16… Just do us and yourself a favor and bring your ID.


Q: I know where the Metreon is, but can’t figure out where City View is. A little help, please?

A: CityView is on the fourth floor of the Metreon. It’ll be easiest to access if you enter the Metreon from the Yerba Buena Gardens entrance, as opposed to 4th street. Take the escalator or elevator to the top, and there you go.


Q: I’ve got my backpack with me; will it be safe, or do I need to keep lugging it around with me?

A: Although you’ll need to keep track of it yourself during Opening Acts, we will be providing a coat check/bag drop during VMunderground. However, we won’t be accepting liability for loss/damage whether using the coat check or not, so please use your judgement if you carry a laptop or other personal electronics. A backpack full of expo swag should be just fine…


Q: I live in the city/rented a car and plan to drive. Where is parking?

A: We have no special arrangements for parking. Most attendees will be from out-of-town, and we explicitly chose a location near Moscone to make it more “walkable” than last year. If you do decide to drive, please have a designated driver. We’re also working with Uber to provide some “getting home safe” discounts, so please consider a cab or other ride before choosing to drive; we’ll have more info on that at the party

Opening Acts 2014—Panelists & Moderators

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With just over a couple of weeks to go, the members of our panel sessions are being finalized; here’s who we’ve got on board…

Social Media/Careers (1pm)
John Troyer (@jtroyer) moderator
Amy Lewis (@commsninja)
James Bowling (@vsential)
Jeramiah Dooley (@jdooley_clt)
Phoummala Schmitt (@exchangegoddess)
Gina Minks (@gminks)
Storage (SDS & traditional) (1pm)
Trevor Potts (@cakeis_not_aliemoderator
Michael Webster (@vcdxnz001)
Matt Vogt (@mattvogt)
J Metz (@drjmetz)
Keith Norbie (@keithnorbie)
Matt Cowger (@mcowger)
Wade Holmes (@wholmes)
Networking (SDN & traditional) (2pm)
Chris Wahl (@chriswahlmoderator
Tom Hollingsworth (@networkingnerd)
Joe Onisick (@jonisick)
Scott Lowe (@scott_lowe)
Lisa Caywood (@realLisaC)
Ryan Hughes (@angryjesters)
Orchestration, Automation, & Optimization (2pm)
Lauren Malhoit (@malhoitmoderator
Emad Younis (@emad_younis)
Mike Foley (@mikefoley)
Al Renouf (@alanrenouf)
Josh Atwell (@josh_atwell)
Luc Dekens (@lucd22)
Cloud & General Virtualization (3pm)
Leah Schoeb (@vleahschoebmoderator
Stu Miniman (@stu)
Sean Clark (@vseanclark)
Stephen Foskett (@sfoskett)
Hugo Phan (@hugophan)
Aaron Delp (@aarondelp)
Architecture & Infrastructure (3pm)
Matt Liebowitz (@mattliebowitz) moderator
Melissa Palmer (@vmiss33)
Phoummala Schmitt (@exchangegoddess)
Maish Saidel-Keesing (@maishsk)
Mike Preston (@mwpreston)
John Arrasjid (@vcdx001)