Month: August 2013

2013—It’s On Like (Software Defined) Donkey Kong!

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As VMworld 2013 looms over the horizon with urgings to “Defy Convention”—the theme celebrating the tenth iteration of the event—an original crew of convention-defiers have instead “stayed the course” and are pleased to present the seventh convocation of the VMunderground.

As usual, a great (and growing!) lineup of sponsors is in the works; those will become public as we get into August, but it’s with thanks to them that we should be able to support the largest gathering in the history of the event.
The venue with which we’re in final negotiation (Terra Gallery) should be close enough to the main conference area for walking, yet far enough away to give attendees a different look at our host city than the view we’ll have in the following days of the conference.
We’re making the details intentionally vague for now; the point of this post is to confirm the rumors: VMunderground will happen, and it’ll be Sunday, August 25 from 8—11pm.
This timing should leave plenty of time for attendees to participate in other, earlier community and conference events that precede the Welcome Reception.
Keep an eye on this blog and the @vmunderground twitter feed for more official announcements, as well as the community interaction that will emerge with the #vmunderground hashtag.